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"Bees and honey were a major and persistent symbol in Greek culture and were often linked with knowledge, health, and power. 

Bees were considered servants of the gods and honey was worshipped due to it's healing attributes and power. They are represented in jewelry, money, and statues of goddesses. 

One of the most famous legends of the gods in Greek history is of 'Melissa', the goddess of the bees

In the human world, priestesses were referred to as 'Melissae' in the temples of the goddesses. In Greek mythology, Melissa was a nymph who was shown the use of honey by the bees, and from whom bees were believed to have received their name. 

When "Melissa" is used as the title of a priestess, this priestess invariably serves a Goddess, and one of the Great-Mothers. 

The Melissae, the oracular Bee Nymphs of ancient Greece, are considered divine messengers, conduits for prophecy, speakers of diving truths, and a source for inspired thought and song."

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But for real, 

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